Showing posts with label Weight Loss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weight Loss. Show all posts

Saturday, May 7, 2022

Is Rice Really Bad For You When You Are On A Diet?

By Smiti Munwani

(Most people avoid rice because it is considered a bad carbohydrate which makes you put on weight - is that true?)

Most carbohydrates like wheat, rice, and other cereal like corn and millets contain a similar amount of carbohydrates and calories when compared by weight. Why, then, is rice considered to be bad for health when you are on a diet?

Rice in different cultures

Most rice growing countries depend on rice as their primary source of carbohydrates. Thailand, China, the Indian subcontinent, many parts of Europe and the Americas grown and eat rice. In fact many countries south east and Far East Asia start their morning with rice. Even traditional British households may include kedgeree in their breakfast menu.

The rice may be long grained, short-grained, round rice or gelatinous rice, depending on the country's climate and so influences their regional dietary preferences. In Italy, for instance, the risotto is made of Arborio rice, which requires a great deal of cooking and when done has a sticky texture.

Why is rice bad for you?

Rice, in its natural state, has vitamins, minerals and proteins. However, the white rice which is used for cooking has been stripped of a lot of its nutritional value, leaving only carbohydrates behind. It goes through a laborious processing process including dehusking and polishing.

As a refined food, rice is not good for health. It lacks fiber and other nutrients. Too much of refined foods result in an overload of simple carbohydrates which are not good for digestion.

Another reason rice is bad for you

Since rice is difficult to portion, you can easily end up eating a lot more than you intended. It is not easy to estimate how much you would normally eat, unlike say bread or chapattis.

As rice is easily digested, you may eat what you think is a sufficient quantity and feel hungry shortly after. Then you will eat more food, thus increasing your calorie count.

How to eat rice the proper way

Avoid eating refined and polished rice. If you eat brown rice, it is much better for health because it ha more nutritional value and more fiber. Brown rice is as healthy as whole wheat.

Have steamed or boiled rice, whose water has not been discarded, instead of rice which is heavy in fats. You can also overload your rice with lots of vegetables which not only add color but also nutritional value. Colored vegetables are a good source of phytonutrients and antioxidants. You can also add white shredded meat to your rice to make a complete meal.

Rice is also easier to digest and is one of the first foods given to infants. It can also be cooked in a variety of ways since it has a relatively neutral taste and is a major source of carbohydrates. Cultures world-wide cook and eat different kinds of rice and in many countries and regions it is a staple food.

So rice is not really bad for you when you are on a diet as long as you don't over-indulge and exercise portion control.

Smiti Munwani has been writing for a very long time. She is a journalist, book author, content writer and dietitian. She has had two books published, The Snack-Time Cookbook and Count Your Calories to Slim and Stay Slim. She also has two books ready to be published, one on party menus and another on cooking for a healthy heart. She can be contacted via email: if anybody is interested in re-publishing the books (she has the copyright) or requires any articles. She has written extensively for the print media and done web content writing.

A versatile writer, Smiti writes on a wide range of topics - please contact her via email for web content work.

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Four Ways To Reduce Weight With The Help Of Coffee

Four Ways To Reduce Weight With The Help Of Coffee

By Mike Shaffer

On a typical day, you may find yourself pouring over multiple cups of coffee to get the day rolling. It's not just you, but many others are doing the same, but have you ever given a thought about what coffee is doing to your body? Everything we consume has an effect on our body, which includes coffee as well. Coffee is vilified a lot in the world, but in reality, having a habit of drinking coffee is not bad actually. If you want, you can turn the coffee drinking habit into a fat-burning process. Keep reading the post to know how you can do that and what the implications are.

Let us know more as to how much coffee you should drink to get rid of that belly fat.

1. Caffeine: The magic ingredient

Coffee contains caffeine and it is what makes people stay awake for a long time. This is what we know about caffeine, but caffeine possesses a lot more than just keeping us awake. Caffeine can promote quick fat burning and also boosts metabolism. But, it is important to consume caffeine in a limited quantity.

Caffeine plus Chlorogenic equals 'Fat Burn'

Caffeine stimulates increased lipase, which is an enzyme that helps break down fat at the time of digestion. But, lipase needs to convert digestive fats into glycerin and fatty acids. But, this process is time-consuming, therefore caffeine needs an additional element, which happens to be the chlorogenic acid. With this element, fat burns at a much faster pace and it also produces a more synergetic effect.

Caffeine helps eliminate Edema

Caffeine is a diuretic, which will help you get rid of edema. So, all toxic substances in your body are going to be flushed away from your body if you add caffeine into your diet in the form of coffee.

Caffeine boosts your metabolism, more than your expectations

Caffeine is going to give more than a necessary boost to your metabolism. It will improve blood circulation, which in turn will bring a positive effect on your basal metabolism.

2. What is the ideal time to have coffee so that weight can be reduced?

Coffee has been known to burn fat, but if you are going to sit all day, then you can't expect coffee to do wonders for you. It is important for you to indulge in a routine of strenuous workouts and exercises to see desirable results. You can have a cup of coffee 20-30 minutes prior to starting your workout session. But, keep in mind that you need to drink the right amount of coffee. If you have a habit of eating a dessert after a meal, then try replacing it with a cup of coffee instead. It will clear your head and will also give you a sense of fullness after eating.

3. How to drink coffee while dieting?

Being on a diet doesn't mean that you have to stop drinking coffee. You can have 2-3 cups of coffee in a day, which you can quickly make in a branded coffee maker. A branded coffee maker will ensure that the flavor and consistency remain the same, either you are making coffee for the 1st time or the 100th time.

It is also important to take a close look as to which type of beans you are using. If you can use organic coffee beans, then that will have a more positive effect on your body compared to the usual ones that are available on the market. Moreover, make sure that you buy light roasts because they need less heat while brewing.

Coffee should always be consumed hot because it will yield better results as compared to iced coffee. Your body will easily absorb all the active ingredients that are present in the coffee. If you like having a cup of coffee with your family, then why don't you get a 4 cup coffee maker? You will see plenty of brands that sell the best coffee makers. Just find a product that meets your requirement and get it in your kitchen.

How much coffee should you drink?

This is a very crucial point because if you are looking to lose weight with coffee, then you should definitely not drink it too much. Keep it below five cups a day (if drinking more than 5). If the intake of caffeine is way too high, then you may develop sleep disorders, anemia, and digestive problems. So, keep a lid on the number of cups you drink in a day, as they shouldn't exceed five cups.

So, these were four points that you need to keep in mind when taking the help of the coffee to reduce weight. I'm sure you have the potential and willpower to eliminate that body fat and tone your body. Use the power of coffee and inspire people around you.

You should drink coffee regularly to reduce your weight, but make sure to consume it in less quantity to ensure that you only get the benefits and not the harmful side effects. You can prepare coffee in the best coffee maker, which you can get by going through reviews of best coffee makers consumer reports.

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Friday, May 6, 2022

Thinking of Getting A Tummy Tuck?

Thinking of Getting A Tummy Tuck?

Thinking of Getting A Tummy Tuck?

By: Hanif Khaki

It's no secret most people hate the mere thought of exercising and dieting. Most will give up long before seeing any measurable results. Those with above average will power are among the few that will be successful in losing weight. However, once the desired weight has come off, the journey is far from over. Most skin loses it's elasticity and it's ability to "snap back". This is due to the loss of a considerable amount of fat, which leaves behind loose skin. Those visions of looking like a swimsuit model quickly disappear when most realize they may instead look like thin people in baggy clothing. Fortunately, you can get that tight, youthful-looking skin with a tummy tuck operation.

A tummy tuck is a surgical procedure whereby the existing skin is cut out and the remaining skin is stretched out over the area to be tightened. The tummy tuck is then complete once the skin is sewn back on.

If you're thinking of getting a tummy tuck, there are certain criteria which must be met. Your overall health must be good. You shouldn't undergo a tummy tuck if you are currently suffering from any kind of illnesses or if you have a serious pre-existing medical condition. You should also expect realistic results after your tummy tuck. Although outstanding results can be achieved, you may not look quite the same as the model in the swimsuit catalog whose skin was never stretched to begin with. With that in mind, a tummy tuck will virtually eliminate all the loose skin that used to stretch during the times you were larger, and you may in fact look and feel quite attractive in that swimsuit.

While these factors may be an important consideration prior to surgery, you may want to give equal consideration to certain factors after the surgery has taken place. Don't expect to be able to just walk out of the hospital and go to a photo shoot. Recovery time after a tummy tuck can be weeks to months, even though most should be able to resume normal activities within a few weeks. Patience is extremely important. Post-pregnant women often undergo a tummy tuck to get rid of the stretched skin resulting from pregnancy. Before doing so, be absolutely sure that you are done with having children. If you were to become pregnant after a tummy tuck, you will undo everything done from surgery, plus risk additional damage from the surgically operated area.

If you're too impatient and want immediate results, you might find yourself extremely stressed during recovery. This may not be in your best interest, as stress hinders full recovery and will only prolong the time required. If you have pre-existing mental or emotional conditions, you may want to think twice about undergoing surgery. The effects of the recovery and the anesthesia can exacerbate emotional problems and will also hinder recovery.

The above is just a sampling of some considerations to be aware of prior to undergoing a tummy tuck operation. Please be sure to check the wealth of additional resources available to you to get the complete picture.

Author Bio
Hanif Khaki is the acclaimed author of numerous health related articles and the founder of the popular Tummmy Tuck resource site

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